Referencia bibliográfica sobre la Criolipolisises, los datos de cada estudio cientifico a la que se ha recurrido muchos textos sobre la CrioLipolisis.
.- 1. Ferraro G, De Francesco F, Cataldo C, Rossano F, Nicoletti G, D’Andrea F. Synergistic Effects of Cryolipolysis and Shock Waves for Noninvasive Body Contouring. Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2012; 36(3):666-79.
.- 2. Kilmer S, Burns J, Zelickson B. Safety and Efficacy of Cryolipolysis for Non-Invasive Reduction of Submental Fat. Lasers Surg. Med. 2016; 48:3–13.
.- 3. The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Cosmetic Surgery. New York. National Data Bank Statistics.[página en Internet]. c2016. Disponible en:
.- 4. Mulholland S, Malcolm P, Charbel C. Noninvasive Body Contouring with Radiofrequency, Ultrasound, Cryolipolysis, and Low-Level Laser Therapy. Clin Plast Surg. 2011; 38(3):503-20.
.- 5. Krueger N, Mai S, Luebberding S, Sadick N., Cryolipolysis for noninvasive body contouring: clinicalefficacy and patient satisfaction. Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol. 2014; 7:201-5.
.- 6. Meyer P, da Silva R, Oliveira G, Tavares M, Medeiros M, Andrada C, Neto L. Effects of Cryolipolysis on Abdominal Adiposity. Case Rep Dermatol Med. 2016; 2016:6052194. Epub 2016 Nov 8.
.- 7. Demosthenous N.Cryolipolysis: a review of published clinical data. Aesthetic focus. 3 (3) 30-1.[página de internet]. Disponible en:
.- 8. Seaman S, Tannan S, Cao Y, Peirce S, Gampper T. Paradoxical Adipose Hyperplasia and Cellular Effects After Cryolipolysis: A Case Report. Aesthet Surg J. 2016;36(1):NP6-13.
.- 9. Alizadeh Z, Halabchi F, Mazaheri R, Abolhasani M, Tabesh M. Review of the Mechanisms and Effects of Noninvasive Body Contouring Devices on Cellulite and Subcutaneous Fat. Int J Endocrinol Metab. 2016; 14(4):e36727
.- 10.Cosmetic Surgery National Data Bank Statistics. US: American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. [Página en Internet]. c2014. Disponible en:
.- 11.The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Cosmetic Surgery. New York. National Data Bank Statistics. [Página en Internet]. c2015. Disponible en:
.- 12.The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Cosmetic Surgery. New York. American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Reports More Than $13.5Billion Spent for the First Time Ever.[página en Internet]. c2016. Disponible en:
.- 13.Derrick C, Shridharani S, Broyles J. The Safety and Efficacy of Cryolipolysis: A Systematic Review. Aesthet Surg J. 2015; 35(7):830-6.
.- 15.Zelickson B, Egbert B, Preciado J, Allison J, Springer K, Rhoades R et al.Cryolipolysis for noninvasive fat cell destruction: initial results from a pigmodel. Dermatol surg. 2009; 35:1462–1470.
.- 16.dos Santos Borges F, Acedo Scorza F. Fundamentos de criolipólise. Fisioterapia Ser. 2014; 9(4):219-24.
.- 17.Manstein D, Laubach H, Watanabe K, Farinelli W, Zurakowski D, Anderson R.Selective cryolysis: a novel method of non-invasive fat removal. Lasers SurgMed. 2008; 40(9):595-604.
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.- 19.Zhang Y, Huang C. Targeting adipocyte apoptosis: a novel strategy for obesitytherapy. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2012; 417(1):1-4.
.- 20.Diamantis S, Bastek T, Groben P, Morrell D. Subcutaneous fat necrosis in anewborn following icebag application for treatment of supraventriculartachycardia. J Perinatol. 2006; 26(8):518-20.
.- 21.Fischer-Posovszky P, Wang Q, Asterholm I, Rutkowski J, Scherer P.Targeted deletion of adipocytes by apoptosis leads to adipose tissue recruitment of alternativelyactivated M2macrophages.Endocrinology. 2011;152(8):3074-81.
.- 22.Keuper M, Blüher M, Schön M, Möller P, Dzyakanchuk A, Amrein K et al. Aninflammatory micro-environment promotes human adipocyte apoptosis.Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2011; 339(1-2):105-13.
.- 23.Ingargiola M, Motakef S, Chung M, Vasconez H, Sasaki G. Cryolipolysis for fatreduction and body contouring: safety and efficacy of current treatmentparadigms. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2015; 135(6):1581-90
.- 24.Dover J, Burns J, Coleman S, Fitzpatrick R, Garden J, Goldberg D et al. A prospective clinical study of noninvasive cryolipolysis™ for subcutaneous fat layer reduction- interim report of available subject data. 2008.
.- 25.Stevens W, Bachelor E. Cryolipolysis Conformable-Surface Applicator forNonsurgical Fat Reduction in Lateral Thighs. Aesthetic Surgery Journal 2015; 35(1): 66–71
.- 26.Carruthers J, Stevens W, Carruthers A, Humphrey S. Cryolipolysis and skin tightening. Dermatol Surg. 2014; 40(12):S184–9
.- 27.Munavalli G, Panchaprateep R. Cryolipolysis for Targeted Fat Reduction and Improved Appearance of the Enlarged Male Breast. Dermatol Surg. 2015; 41(9):1043-51
.- 28.Klein K, Zelickson B, Riopelle J, Okamoto E, Bachelor E, Harry R et al. Non-Invasive CryolipolysisTM for Subcutaneous Fat Reduction Does Not Affect Serum Lipid Levels or Liver Function Tests Lasers in Surgery and Medicine.2009; 41:785–90
.- 29.Boey G,Wasilenchuk J. Enhanced Clinical Outcome with Manual Massage Following Cryolipolysis Treatment: A 4-Month Study of Safety and Efficacy Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 2014; 46:20–6
.- 30.Kim J, Kim D, Ryu H. Clinical effectiveness of non-invasive selective cryolipolysis. J Cosmet Laser Ther. 2014; 16(5):209-13.
.- 31.Jalian H, Avram M, Garibyan L, Mihm M, Anderson R.Paradoxical Adipose Hyperplasia After Cryolipolysis. JAMA Dermatol. 2014; 150(3):317-9.